Saturday, November 28, 2020

Getting Started

I decided to start the new painting era with something nice and simple, some more union infantry. These are from Steve Barber which I bought back in 2014. I’ve been meaning to get around to them for years, being on the large size for 28mm, this means I can mix in some Renegade figures into the unit. Renegade are the largest of all the ACW figures and I have quite a few, so it’s nice to mix some into a unit without them standing out. 
I’ve really got into the swing of painting Federal troops and I’m finding it quite hard to imagine painting anything else at the moment. They are so simple and with the quick shade Dip, so quick to turn out numbers. 


1 comment:

Ray Rousell said...

I shall look forward to see these with a lick or two of paint on them.