Friday, February 14, 2025

Wood Elves 28mm

This little group of Elves popped out of the wood work today. I took a gamble on eBay as the picture was out of focus and I couldn't really make out the details. I very happy to say that the group is very nice indeed.

I know one is an old Grenadier sculpt but the others have me stumped. They are perfect for my army in their light jerkins and hooded cowls. The faces are very nice too.

These two can act as sharpshooters from the rear ranks of the shield wall.
The Elf lord is very eye catching with his fancy shield. Having cloaks is good too as once painted they will blend in with my assisting collection. Although these aren't spearmen, they can be peppered throughout the ranks to add some variety.
This crowned figure isn't quite right for my army but she will be perfect for my Sidhe forces. She will be giving up dirty Orcs in favour of smelly Fomorians to cull.
This leader figure will be given a company of spearmen to lead.

 The axe wielding Elf reminds me of my favourite figure of all time, a Dark elf guard sculpted by the Perry's, back in 1984. It might be the simple round shield.

Update: So it turns out these nice sculpts are from Alternative Armies, and they are still available.



  1. The very last one is Irregular Miniatures.

  2. I can relate deeply to your style of work, your love of painting, and your joy of scene building... I'm so glad I found your page via Wargames Illustrated. Happy to be along with your adventure.

    1. Hi Kyle welcome aboard haha. I hope you find something of interest in my ramblings.

  3. Yet more Middle Earth goodness! Your armies must be gigantic by now. Belated congrats on WI giving the blog a shoutout - I've been following your work since quite early in the Roman days and there's so much useful stuff on here. For heaven's sake never delete it!
