Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Coining silver (campaign 5)


  1. Anonymous10:29 am

    little photoshop of horrors

    oooooh - colour cartoons you say!
    someone's been busy.

    the blog steps up a gear and brings with it a whole new fan base - although some of the old school iron mittenites may consider this 'dumbing down'...discuss.
    'has iron mitten gone red-top or has Tofield brought civilisation to the Romans?'
    i for one am a fan.

    ta ta

  2. lol

    A nice mixture of fun and historical information and a lot in between. :) Nothing wrong with this blog.

    Minting your own coins now eh? Perhaps having ideas above your station? The Emperor shall hear of this, you mark my words...

    Wonderful illustration. :) Thank you so much for your devoted efforts Simon.
