Sunday, October 29, 2006

Game map and abit about the rules

Here is the game map after two turns each, which in game terms is equal to about six months. Tullus has split his army and fortified the border with gaul, whereas Secundus has kept his entire army together and invaded Lower Germany. Although Tullus's area may look more impressive, it brings in the same Denarii as Secundus's.
A province is worth 100 denarii, with 100 denarii for a city, 50 denarii for a town and 20 denarii for a small town each per turn.
After the income for a turn has been calculated there is the 'table of the Gods' to roll on. 'The table of the Gods' is a table with 1oo events both good and bad that may effect the turns income e.g troops mutiny over pay loose 285Denarii.
After this the player may choose a province to invade. For this he rolls on a table which is effected by factors depending on the situation. If the roll is successful the province comes over, if not he can either leave it or attack it. If he takes the province by force he rolls to see just how much damage was caused in the assault, again certain factors add or subtract before the result is reached.
The rules are alittle more complex than this of course, with resources that can be bought and that increase a provinces output each turn, but this is just to give you a rough idea of how the game works. After three normal 'campaign' turns the fourth is an off season turn. With Winter setting in, there is another D100 table to roll on and all provinces output is halved. The off season table can be quite harsh and it is a time of mostly spending out large amounts for repair etc.
Where there is a legionary base, new armies can be raised by spending your Denarii/points to buy the new armies. A field army is about 2000pts in Warhammer terms but can be split to make smaller units of 1000pts (vexillation). 1000pts worth of troops is the smallest unit that can be fielded on the map. And a player cannot use an army until it has reached at least the 1000pt mark.
Ports work by subtracting Denarii/points from the expense of sea travel. A section of sea costs 200 Denarii to cross, for every port owned a hundred Denarii is subtracted from the total cost. So with two ports, small crossings will basically be free due to the amount of ships available to the player.
I don't want to bore you so i'll leave it at that, just sit back and enjoy the cartoons if nothing else, and if anyone is interested I will try my best to answer any questions. These are still early days and the rules are still being added to and changed, but they appear to be working quite well and i'm pleased with them. Lastly, when big battles do arise they will be decided on the game board using the figures you may recognize from the Blog.


  1. Great stuff. Can't wait to see how the game evolves!

  2. Anonymous11:39 am

    Ditto. I'm interested in the game (sounds pretty straightforward, allowing for the design to shine) and I enjoy the cartoons. Cool.
