Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Simon Scarrow books

At last I have been lured into the world of Fiction by the superb Simon Scarrow 'EAGLE' novels. Being one for a well written history book, I very rarely visit the world of Fiction, that is until I found Scarrow!
Scarrow has written a series of books following the adventures of two roman soldiers, a Centurion and his Optio as they struggle through the rigours of Roman military life. In the first book they are stationed in Germany (my favourite place for Romans!) but later they must prepare themselves for the invasion of Britain (AD43). So far, so good and I am really enjoying the first book.
Scarrow really knows his stuff and it shows. 'This is historical fiction at it's best' Secundus.
These books are packed with great little details and loads of imagination, they really get the old creative juices flowing and are a wealth of inspiration. For me, they have the added bonus of involving the British Celts, making me want to cotinue my endless Celtic hordes...I really recommend these books for anyone with an interest in the Roman military and its way of life.


  1. I'll have to check these out by the sounds of it. As to fiction, there's always a good 'story' in 'history'. The trouble is finding stuff that's 'well written'.

  2. Anonymous12:39 pm

    M ydad likes em too.....

  3. Anonymous7:27 pm

    Your Dad likes trains Stu! Your really not helping!! :-)

  4. I've finished the first book now and the second is proving just as good.

  5. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Hi Martha my dad is a man of many talents I'll have you know. WHEN HE TRAVELS BY TRAIN HE READS sCARROW BOOKS. wEIRD OR WHAT....

  6. Don't worry Stupot, I like the sound of your Dad. Any man who spends hours fussing over model trees and scenery and flocking grass on his weekends, is a friend of mine. In fact, If it wasn't for model railways my war games would be pretty baron affairs indeed.
    I think I'd like to meet your Dad one day....we could talk Scarrow!

  7. Guys, guys, guys, there is nothing wrong with my books and nothing weird about reading them on trains (when they work)!
