Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What a pair of mugs!

As the Editor for the UK's leading War games blog 'Iron Mitten', I receive hundreds of letters each week asking me about collecting and painting Roman miniatures and the Roman Campaign in general. Carol Spaggott from Hertfordshire writes "When are you two going to get down to the business of playing a battle and actually face each other on the table top!". Well thanks for your colourful letter Carol, most of which I can't repeat on line. As you know Carol, war takes time and Rome wasn't won in a day. Just for you though Carol, here's a picture of Secundus meeting Tullus face to face on the table top.
The British Empire was won on the back of lots of cups of tea and the growing Empire of Secundus is of no exception! Cheers Iron mitteners. Keep the Letters coming in everybody,(not you Carol).


  1. Anonymous3:24 pm

    F*@k you mitten!

  2. Tom, the Tullus cup is a present for you, I got them printed in a shop down the road from work. You can sip from It while you make your plans...for all the good it will do you.

  3. Anonymous9:04 pm

    Cheers Secondus. . I continue on to victory.

  4. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Tullus only marches on strong coffee as I remember...
