Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Evocati get drummed in for battle

This is an idea that came to me the other day and has been inspired after reading 'Nero's killing machine'. The Evocati are old retired veterans who can be called back into service should the need be great enough. These old sweats keep their own well worn and paid for equipment just in case such an emergency should arise. Also, their old standards are brought out of retirement so the Evocati can fight behind them once again. Now because these old boys have been living in nice cosy colonies and towns for a few years, their military dress has become some what altered. Some of them show off their military awards and decorations, while others show off equipment taken from old battles. A few have paid money to have their equipment enhanced and others have even bought some of the new Segmented armour. These old boys have certainly seen their fair share of the Empire and have fought in more battles than they can remember.
The green stuff here is still rather blobby looking just after sculpting, however, when it drys it can be filed down and nice clean edges can be added.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas on this one. Please keep posting about such articles as they really spread useful information.Thanks for this particular sharing. I hope it stays updated, take care.
