Sunday, July 08, 2007

Evocati details

This shot shows the sculpted extras from behind, I payed a lot of attention to their rear views because on the battle field as a player this is the view I will see the most.
This veteran has bought himself a whole set of Gladiator segmented arm armour....nice if you can afford it. His buddy has brought along a bag for all that battlefield blunder, he must be an old campaigner!
With the extra Gladiator embossed shields the battle line gives off a motley appearance, uniformed but embellished. Perfect for old boys brought out of retirement to march behind their old standards again.


  1. Always amazes me that folk tend to put all their energy into the front of their troops when, as you say, they then tend to spend hours looking at their backs on the table.

    Must say that, as I've followed your blog for a while now and seen the various barbarian bands take form, that the barbarian army that will one day answer the call to throw the Romans out will be mighty impressive and chacacterful!

  2. Hello Pleader, good to hear from you. Yes I love the Barbarian side of things now, they're so much fun to paint....all of them different and characterful as you say. I have my Dumnonii to finish after these veterans and I've just ordered a warband of Germans, so I'm looking forward to painting those. I've already been thinking about how I can make them look different from the Celts and have decided to go for geometric bold shield designs in dark colours. We'll have to wait to see if it looks any good, but i'm looking forward to getting my grubby little paws on them. The army of the Rhine will soon have some friends to play with.....

  3. Actually Pleader, looking at your picture, I think you'd make a great Germanic cheftain.

  4. More a Scots-Norse dun leader.
