Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Evocati are finished at last.

Finally I can show you the tough old veterans who have been called back into service after five years in retirement. As they fight behind their old Standards and banners, I have given the unit three , this helps to show the fact that the cohort is made up of Vexillations of the XIIII, V and the X. I also added some dark blue shields into the mix of the Cohort and gave them all shield decals taken from various re-enactment groups here in the UK.
Another touch was to give the men grey-white hair and beards to underline the fact they're getting on in life and I had to search my collection for suitable characters.
This shot shows the rear of the cohort, all but three have been added to and customized giving this unit a one off look. I enjoyed this project loads and it gave me a chance to practice my sculpting. It was a lot of work but I think it was worth the time.
The command base with it's three standards. In game terms I will not use these figures as veterans with the according high stats, for they are old and just a little past their prime. Instead, because they fight behind their beloved standards I will count each standard as a plus in the combat results (WAB rules). So, in a way they will still be an effective fighting force on the board.
This is one of my favourite custom jobs and one of the easier ones to do too. This old cavalrymen has taken his trusty Spatha into battle as a back up, well, you can never have too many swords in a battle. As you can see these figures have just been flocked and are still covered in loose grass.


  1. I love, adore, worship, these figures. The custom sculpting job you've done on each and every figure is outstanding, the painting superlative. The attention to detail is mindboggling. You've done a wonderful job bringing these veterans to life, enthusing them with such character. The sculpting in particular is first rate, worthy of professional sculptors. You've really pushed the boat out on these guys. Such character, such artistry. Enthralling stuff.

    I think these easily rank as some of the best figures you have ever done - if not the very best of all. Real works of art - well done Simon.

    I'll always have a soft spot for the Sarmations of course but these guys really take the biscuit.

    (Is that enough praise do you think?)

  2. like your romans! If you want to see my romans ,visit me at

  3. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Told you i would look.
    Did you do these??
    They are excellent.
    You have loads of talent.
