Monday, January 28, 2008

The Field army of Syria (Campaign 87)

With the mutinous Legion of the 3rd Gallica decimated and disgraced, Alanicus now bolstered its numbers with loyal units from Cappadocia, restoring it up to full strength. They were later joined by vast numbers of Syrian Auxiliaries, mostly light troops, including horse archers. These events added yet another field army to Alanicus and his eastern empire.


  1. Anonymous12:36 am

    Have you thought of posting a rough running total of each faction's armies, without disclosing any campaign-breaking details?


  2. When I've finished giving each army their own character and regional look, I will post up photos so the players can see them. Africa is almost done with Syria to follow shortly.

  3. Perhaps you could do a rioting Egyptian mob!

    brb Simon

  4. Yes, good idea that should keep Alanicus on his toes, come to think of it I have a warband of revolting slaves......
