Saturday, January 26, 2008

Flaccus raids again (Campaign 83)

T. Manlius Flaccus now re-enforced by his Pannonian squadrons Carries on his rein of terror in the mountains of Aples Gallia. With the supply lines to Tullus's army over stretched and venerable, Flaccus has no problem locating them and destroying them in swift strikes. His horsemen loot what they can carry and burn what they can not, leaving Tullus without stores or provisions for the freezing months ahead.

Flaccus is happiest when under his own command and has ignored several requests from Secundus to return to Noricum. News of Flaccus's success has even reached Rome where he has been hailed a hero.
It was in this cold month that the city of Carnuntum in Noricum decided to appeal to Tullus and stage a small revolt. Secundus, still livid at Flaccus's success had no time for petty up risings. He was only a days march from the city and thought it mad that they should chose now to revolt. He would teach them for there treachery! On a cold Febuary morning the 2nd Augusta was let loose on the city and hundreds people were thrown into slavery. Most of them were completely Innocent of course, but Secundus was more intrested in making an example of Carnuntum rather than seeking justice.

Above, General Flaccus surveys a supply column of Tullus with greedy eyes. His antics were turning him into something of a legend, in the eyes of his men.


  1. Anonymous10:15 pm

    I've been reading about this campaign for a little while and I love it! Can you let me know what rule system you use?

  2. We use the War Hammer Ancient battles rules for the actual battles and a basic 'made up' system for the turn events.

  3. Anonymous4:04 pm

    We use WAB at the club I game with. Your "made up" system - is it based on anything? I like the way random events keep coming up. I would love to attempt to duplicate this campaign in some way...

  4. Hello, no the rules are made up with a simple turn system and a large list of 100 events ( table of the gods). These are great fun to roll on and really give a sense of fate to the game, some months are good while others can be really bad.

    The turn sequence goes like this; 1.Calculate the earning from your collected Provinces, 2 Roll on the table of the Gods(once for every 5 provinces owned),3 Buy from the resource table (eg spend on building roads or towns etc to increase your earnings from the Provinces next season.)4 Choose a province to invade, roll to see if they come over peacefully. If not then you may choose to attack it and damage can be rolled for and subtracted from your savings.Also when armies meet on the map or invade enemy provinces, war games can be played.The rules are very simple indeed and the most important thing about them is the table of the gods, which i would say would be a must if you wanted to host a similar game. There should be a post further back on the blog explaining a little more.I hope this helps a little and I'm glad you like the Blog, Simon.

  5. Anonymous12:46 am

    Does Flaccus represent a 4th player in the campaign?


  6. NO he doesn't! just wait to I get my hands on him! I'll ring his bloody neck! Bloody glory hound!
