Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tullus's Spanish skirmishers

Thousands of Spanish tribesmen pour down from the hills to answer Tullus's call to arms. These tough, hardened people will make good soldiers and natural skirmishers, using the terrain to their advantage every time.
Painting note; I enjoyed painting these Spanish and finishing even more, for they have been on my 'to do list' for about a year! So finally here they last. To make them look a little more swarthy, I made them very unshaven and gave their faces a very light wash of black paint. The Osprey books helped a great deal with the colour reference. The figures above are a mix of Foundry's Balearic slingers and their Cesarean Spanish range. I have given some of the Balearics Spanish shields to add to their look and character.


  1. Anonymous2:02 pm

    That's quite the horde of skirmishers - well done!

    Are those some new cottages in the background?


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So when's Tullus going to make a dash for Rome? It looks like Secundus has gone out and left the front door open!

    I like those Spanish skirmishers a lot, I'll do the stubble on mine, when I get around to them.

    brb Simon

  4. I did buy some cottages, but they weren't Roman looking enough for my needs. So I gave them timber frames using Bolser wood and pressed Polly filler into the gaps. Once painted they looked quite Roman, more of a back water settlement look I think. Great for our campaign that takes place in and around Gaul and Germany.

  5. Anonymous12:52 am

    I've just noticed that your Spanish are based in twos while the Garamantes are based in threes.

    Do they represent different troop types, e.g. WAB 'skirmishers' and WAB 'light infantry', or was this based on some other consideration, e.g. aesthetics or base availability?


  6. I tend to base troops with what i have at hand, but the basic rule I follow is, the more disaplined skirmisher units are two to a base, while tribal units tend to be a little less organised( three to a base) I know this isn't standard but it looks good and works for me, also these units very rarely come into base to base contact with the enemy. I have also based slingers on larger bases to give them a more 'open order' look, which clearly marks them out as skirmish troops.
