Thursday, February 28, 2008

Play testing Field of Glory

A Celtic skirmish line approaches a village with plunder on it's mind. With the release of the much talked about Field of Glory rules, a test battle was arranged and set up to see if they lived up to the hype.

There were lots of things I liked about the game, the unit sizes for a start and the Impact combat is a great idea.

As with all new games the going was quite slow at first and we had to call it a night before we could actually finish the game. I didn't waste the chance to get some tasty pics though.
However, It did give me a chance to Release the Boar and use my Celts in anger for the first time in a game! I thought they looked great on the field and they inspired me to paint some more. Which is a good thing, for it takes hundreds of them to make a decent looking army.


  1. Anonymous1:49 pm

    Nice work - again! Is that a bridge that the Celts in the 3rd picture are crossing?


  2. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Errm, 4th.


  3. Yes, it's a rather nice piece I bought from Wargames terrain. It makes a great set piece for the battle field and a nice objective too.

  4. Your basing system should lend pretty well to FoG. I'm hoping to have a crack in the next month or so, myself; just need to learn the rules first!

    BRB Simon

  5. Yeah it's a shame, my bases are out by 10mm. Still, four figures to a infantry base is quite a lot and would be impossible with my 50mm bases. Although it does kind of say that as long as both sides use the same size bases, then there's no problem.

    I just think with three cavalry to a base and four infantry, you're going to eat up figures like there's no tomorrow.

    It would be nice to have another crack at the rules, there were things that I thought were really clever and well thought out. The setting scenery table was great and one I can use in my campaign.

    We just ran out of time and had to call it a day at 2 o'clock in the morning. It's the same with all new rules, they take quite a while to get to grips with and there's lots of cross referencing tables in FoG.

  6. Simon,

    I don't think it matters if your bases differ by comparison with FOG, as long as thay are consistent.

    I've not tried it yet, because my mates haven't bought it, and I've not had a chance to read it. I like the fact that it uses a lot of figures... as I have a lot of figures! :-)

    We played a game using Command and Colors tonight, and got around 100028s on a 10' wide table; Germans vs Marius in 102 BC. Lot of fun; came as close as a game can get. You might find the system worth a look.

    BRB Simon
