Saturday, March 01, 2008

Lines are drawn in Gaul (Campaign 94)

The mighty Dewolfus patrols the border defences of Lugdunensis. With Tullus marching his Army of Gaul into Aquitania, a frontier was created with that of the forces of the Secundian Army of the Rhine.

Tullus's newly acquired Army of Gaul, now sits along the Aquitanian border waiting for the order to attack. Dewolfus is no fool however and requested that he not be moved from Lugdunensis for just such an emergency.
The young, charismatic M.Plinius Fulvius, commander of the Army of Gaul is yet untested in battle and yearns to test his metal against Dewolfus and earn a place in the Histories. The wise old veteran Dewolfus has heard these rumours and hopes to goad Fulvius into "doing something foolish"

The wolf waits.

1 comment:

  1. After all that build up it would be terribly emabarassing to lose!
