Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Battle of Narona

Panic now swept through the entire Alanican line as one Cohort after another tried to turn and flee. The 2nd and last Cohort of the Macedonica stopped in its tracks as it saw its sister Cohorts anillilated. A cry of alarm went up from it's front ranks which soon turned to panic as the Warbands of the Marcomanni rushed towards it's wavering shield wall. Pleaderdocarex at the head of his Warband smashed into the Cohort which turned and ran for it's life. The Marcomanni weren't going to miss out on their promised plunder and gave chase, catching and surrounding it within minutes. A stunned Terentius ignored pleas to launch a counter attack and could only watch as the best Legion in the East was cut to pieces.

The battle line of Terentius was destroyed within minutes, the entire Legion was gone, replaced by screaming hordes of Marcomanni and vengeful, blood thirsty slaves.


  1. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Are Terentius' marines and auxiliaries still in place?


  2. Anonymous2:46 pm

    What an epic ....Glad I made it out of that alive!! Thumbs up for Simon Scarrow books too.

  3. Are you reading them Stu? I made it through about three and a half of them before I got side tracked, very good little reads .

  4. Anonymous11:53 am

    The battle of Narona has been a great, suspenseful read! It's going to be interesting to see what it's impact on the campaign will be ...


  5. Anonymous3:06 pm

    Errm, "its"!

  6. Pleaderdocarix. What a dude!

  7. Does his name ring a bell Dracmuller?

  8. Isn't he the guy who first started talking like a lawyer and then developed a Calednonian accent?
