Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Battle of Narona

The war cry given off by the Marcomanni war bands startles even Flaccus' battle line. Beating swords and axes on shields and screaming at the top of their voices they start to serge forward slowly. As they approach a small wood, Pleaderadocarex rides forward to view the field beyond.

On the far Left of the field the freed slaves start their advance. Being lightly armoured and carrying only light weapons, they cross the marshy ground quickly and with little difficulty.
The slaves work themselves up ready for battle. Many are old warriors, who are willing to risk their lives in order to live what they have left in freedom.


  1. I like the commentary. Who makes those minis? Are they Gripping Beast?

    You're making me want to start an Iron Age/Roman blog!

  2. The Celts/Marcomanni are mostly AandA Miniatures. The blue V Macedonica are Foundry and the cloaked XV are Companian Miniatures. The slaves are Gripping Beast and 1st Corps. Finally the Sarmations are Foundry again, quite a mix of figs on the table. I like to mix em up and shop around quite a bit until I find the look I'm after.

  3. Anonymous9:37 pm

    Nice work on the slaves and Marcomanni! Are the slaves on 50mm x 25mm bases?


  4. Yeah the old Cavalry bases again from GW.

  5. Anonymous8:20 pm

    That basing does look good.

    Gamewise, do you allow units that are based 3 to a 50mm frontage any numerical advantage over units that are, say, based at 2 to a 50mm frontage, or do you simply count up the number of figures on both sides?


  6. I too was interested in your multiple basing. Are you playing WAB? I'm getting the sense that you are playing solo. If true, then we are in the same boat.

  7. No, there are three of us, Tullus, Alanicus and of course.....ME the real Emperor!
    It is hard to get everyone together these days and so the battles aren't as numerous as one would hope for. Although I could just play on my own, the end result would be the same, Secundus would rule the known Empire.

  8. Anonymous4:06 pm

    So, how do you handle multiple bases with different per-figure frontages in a game?


  9. All the bases have the same frontage and are three figures wide. some of the Barbarian bases are three wide but are double ranked (6 figures per base). They fight with the same frontage and when three figures are slain they are replaced with a normal three figure base.

    I have done this for two reasons, the first is you can arrange the Barbarians in a much more chaotic way on a bigger base, adding to their Warband, crazy rabble look.
    The second is that I had loads of spare 'Monster' bases left over and wanted to use them up.

    The only base that doesn't match the frontage is a slightly smaller 'Monster' base which I use for slingers. I can live with this though because they are skirmish troops and so hardly ever come into hand to hand combat. Also the bit of extra space helps to spread them out a little and add to their skirmish look.

  10. Anonymous1:27 pm

    Cheers for the details!

    I would've thought that 'modern' (post-1980s) figures wouldn't fit well on less than 20mm frontage each, but you have proven me wrong.

    Again, the basing looks great and the three-figure frontage is perfect for Roman marching columns in WAB.


  11. The slaves are on 25x50 and the Macromanni are on a mixture of both 50x50 and 25x50.

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