Friday, October 31, 2008

German War machine

As the German war machine rolls unstoppable across the top shelf of my cabinet I thought I'd better start on my British forces to slow them up. With my German Platoon done and in the bag, I have been basing up my Platoon of good old Tommys. Painting them in their ten man sections they should be quite quick to do. With Platoons being about thirty odd men, you can really go to town on single figures and their bases. It's the research aspect of war gaming and painting I enjoy the most and it's been great finally getting to grips with all the arm markings of the British forces.
The Panzer with a little more foliage on the turret and side. I later put a light wash on the glue, taking away the shine.


  1. I think the hand-done markings look good! I've been considering getting into WWII for a while (mostly as an excuse to build some tanks). I'm liking the wide range of 1/72 WWII stuff out there, and I have a copy of NUTS! ready to go.

  2. Thanks Andrew, you have been very busy on your site I see, really good stuff. You have also started another Blog on anceint wargaming, good to see.
    I am still a stranger really to the second World War and I'm constantly trauling through thousands of reference books I have been collecting over the last ten years. I guess that in its self is proof that I knew one day I would be into it.
    Like with any era there is sooooo much to learn at first but it is getting easier and starting to sink in. Last night I started the British forces and I'm loving the new challenge. Well worth getting into, it's so different to collecting anceints as there is no guess work involved in the uniforms, which leads to a whole set of different challenges.
