Friday, October 31, 2008

My first ever Panzer

I've found there's a real gap in the market for 28mm Panzer IV's with Schurtzen plating. Mine must have been out in the field the day they were handing it out.


  1. Anonymous2:47 pm

    Great site, got me into Romans and now back to WW2. Looks to me like you have a panzer IV, 8 road wheels each side, the panzer III only has 6. Keep up the good work.

  2. Oh yeah you're right, thanks. I really want a IV with the side and turret armour but have had real problems finding one.

  3. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Excellent looking unit for RoE.
    JFTM produce a Mark IV with side armour. Available here from the Wargames Command Post.(I'm not affiliated to either!)

  4. Thanks for the tip off I'll go there now for a look.

  5. Thanks Xanthus I have had a look and ordered one, again thanks for the tip.

  6. Anonymous7:19 pm

    Glad to be of help. Hoping to start my own Germans soon, once the US Paras are completed (not many to go). Will definitely be adding the Mark IV and Mark V from them to my collection.
    If your interested in the fortunes of my Para platoon. They can be followed on the Great Escape Games forum, under Campaigns, then Operation Bishampton. Its not me doing the posts, (but my left hand does make an appearance!)

  7. They look good, are they the new Paras from Bolt-action miniatures?

  8. Anonymous7:00 pm

    No they are the excellent Artizan figures (the shaky camera phone pic does not do them justice). Do have some of the excellent BAM Paras but waiting for them to add the support weapons before I crack on with them.

    Another post should be due soon, but only one of my squads had a walk on part helping out a Brit platoon defend a village, so not sure if more pics will be forthcoming.

    Is the Stug 111 from Chieftain Models?

  9. Yes it is well spotted. The guy there was really good and sent me a n extra couple of vechicles to make up for the long delay on the StugIII. Really good of him I thought, he has certainly secured my loyalty. I think the Chieftain models are some of the best on the market at the moment anyway, and come with a wealth of extra bits to add to the vechicles. These include things like extra petrol cans and helmets. Also he is expanding his Normandy range which is great to see.

  10. Anonymous7:30 pm

    Looks good will be adding one of those to my wish list.

    Keep the posts coming will be particularly interested to see the completed Mark IV from JTFM.

  11. Got an e-mail saying he's out of stock at the moment, but sending one as soon as they come in. Great news.

  12. Anonymous7:35 pm

    Thats always frustrating. But I have bought a few things from Bob at WCP in the past and the sevice has been very good.
