Saturday, October 24, 2009

Death by Flocking

Funny because It's true.


  1. Your cartoon is a summary of most of my experiences with glue.

    I can remember building a boat with my son and we were using epoxy to seal a hull section and I scratched an itch on my head... my trend towards male pattern baldness got a bit of a boost that day!

  2. You've a lovely style of painting and drawing - thanks for sharing.

    Were I to start over (or have more time/space/money) I'd go for historical. Ho-hum.

  3. LoL! Been there, done that!

  4. :D

    That's great.

    I think I've said it before, but you should look into putting together a printed collection of your drawings/comics.

    jmilesr: I've got some similar stories, but in reverse. I think I've got a number of models with bits of my skin integrated into them!

  5. I have a lot of cats and It goes without saying that more than a few hairs end up painted into models. The only time I notice them Is when I take pictures for the Blog on the Macrco setting.

  6. I haven't had cats for years, but I still find the hairs.

    My current dog never ventures into the back room (where the painting happens) but I still find hers as well. Very distinct shepherd/husky multi-colored hairs.
