Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dragoons in progress

My now very dusty Cuirassiers. I plan to go over all of these old figures and retouch the painting. Five years ago I had no knowledge of Silflor grass tufts for example and these will be used a lot on all of my old bases.
These four extra Dragoons takes my unit up to 16 figures and makes It a full strength Regiment of four squadrons. Notice my Trumpeter is now sitting on his nice new grey horse, If It's worth doing something, It's worth doing right. Next up are the Lancers.
Taking these Macro photos can be really helpful when It comes to painting. It allows the eye to get really close in, I have already noticed several things I will go back to on these figures before I can call them finished. They are just little things like the odd Black wash here and there, but now I have noticed It, I have to do something about It. It's the curse of a perfectionist...and It's not a good one.


  1. Lovely dragoons.

    How are you going to dust the cuirassiers?

    I picked up a big makeup brush that I find useful for removing static grass from models before photos...

  2. I was about to ask the same question! How do you keep your models dust-free and looking good?

    I bet you bought that makeup brush for your make up, BRB ;)

  3. P.S. The uniforms on the first picture look incredible, as do the faces - very realistic!

  4. Thanks Consul, part of the attraction of the period are the brightly coloured uniforms. it makes a nice change after painting all those drab WWII figures. Also there is a mountain of research to do on every different troop type, much fun. I am still learning new things everyday and having to correct my old painting because of It.

    BRB, I have a big soft paint brush which I used to dust off the Dragoons. After five years there's a lot of dust. You don't really notice It until you take a base away and are presented with a dust shaped hole on the shelve.

  5. Consul the faces were easy to do, I tend not to spend too long on a figure If I can help It and so use a lot of washes. The face was painted Foundry flesh B, then washed with brown Ink, then highlighted in Flesh B again. Very quick and easy.

  6. Those dragoons are spot on - very nice!

  7. Thoses are the awsome drgoons I ever saw! And i LOVE your army!
    PLz replay back! :-)
