Thursday, January 28, 2010

The last throws of a lost game.

This is a very, very old cartoon I found lost in one of my old sketch books. It was drawn during a time of me flirting with the 1066 era and shows me having to take matters into my own hands, in order hold the Saxon shield wall. Of course I don't really mind If I win or not, as long as I get to paint, but the picture made me smile and brought back some happy memories so I thought I'd share It. It think It will strike a cord with most War gamers, when a game is lost and you know there is nothing that can be done about it.

The great brown explosion is in fact a muddy cat paw print.


  1. You've got to watch those cats savvy enough to go to war. They tend to cheat.

  2. Anonymous12:30 am

    And I thought that a certain brown something had hit a certain fan!

    Excellent stuff!


  3. i like this picture nice...hai

  4. I like it. Of course, all of your illustrations are cool, but I especially like the concept of those that mix toys with reality. I believe you did a Roman squished by a die, yes? P.S. Do you play Field of Glory (see my latest Ferrous Lands post)?

  5. The cat's addition "artwork" makes the die look kind of like Haley's comet in the Bayeux Tapestry; which is sort of fitting.

  6. Great drawing! I agree with Andrew - a mixture of reality and history certainly make for entertaining cartoon.

    I've just been flicking back through the blog and wondered where the Dumnonii and Atrebates figures come from? Thanks!

  7. They're mostly AandA Miniatures with a few Gripping beast and Foundry thrown in. Back in 2006 I bought a AandA Celt Army where you could choose a number of packs for a set price. Thinking about it now i bought too many naked fanatics. I'm delighted to say that thanks to Army painter the future looks bright for the rest of them now. I can't wait to get dipping on them when the French are finished.

  8. Simon,

    My Living History Group is putting together some membership notes.

    Can we have your permission to incorporate some of your Roman cartoons? They are most inspiring!!


  9. Of course you can Tim. I do like the cold weather Roman clothing. I'm glad you liked the re-enactment sketch I did not so long back too, I plan to do another about Napoleonic re-enactment, but haven't got around to It yet.

  10. I like looking at your blog. It makes me laugh - which is a good thing! I admire your patience to paint all those little guys!
