Sunday, February 28, 2010

French Aide de camp

'Tom T' asked me to post a little about how I paint my faces. Very simply is the right answer, I have given this one eyes as he is on a command base.

I start with painting a base coat of Flesh b from Foundry. When the coat is dry I give It a wash of brown Ink, them highlight with Flesh b again. The most Important thing I think Is painting in the crows feet next to the eyes and maybe a line across the forehead and as much facial detail as you can make out. Oh well I told you It was simple. For this guy I mixed 50/50 Flesh a and b to get the shade colour as I didn't want It too dark. I hope this helps Tom.


  1. I love your cartoons do you draw them yourself - can i borrow the napoleon one and the aide de camp for my blog they are jusy too cool

  2. Yeah sure no problem.

  3. Thanks so much Secundus! I truly appreciate it. Sorry for the delayed reply ~ I've been ill. Thankfully much better now and ready to get painting!

    ~ Tom T

  4. hi
    i cant wait to see your art work as it keeps me amused you should make a book
    great all round site
    ps hope you look me up
