Sunday, February 28, 2010

French General and Aide

Here is the first of my three command bases. To make It a bit more enjoyable for myself I painted them one at a time rather than en Mass. This allows me to see the results a lot quicker and Is more satisfying.


  1. The faces are surely your best so far..


  2. Thanks Consul, I'm not really into faces as they slow me down but It's nice to do the odd one or two for Commanders etc. I used a technique I saw in a GW book. Black undercoat, paint whites in eyes, then black pupils by panting a thin line down through the eye. Then paint the flesh base colour around eye, just wanted to try It and It does make eyes a lot easier.

  3. It'd definitely be worth your time on these command figures - really makes them stand out!

    I might try that technique out on some of my Greek commanders one day.


  4. It's good because if you make a mistake It's very easy to fix.
