Sunday, February 21, 2010

French Top Brass

The time has finally come to start the 'cherry on the cake', the favourite figures you always leave til last and never get around to starting. Well, I'm going to learn from my lessons and just start them. These Generals and ADC's are from Front Rank and the detail is very good. I plan to spend a little longer than usual on these guys as they are command figures, hence the blackened eyes ready for whites and pupils.

I have taken the time to arrange and pair them up on imaginary bases before I start. My usual rule is two figures for Division command and three for Corps, but because I have the figures I'm going to make one base a little larger. After these three Divisional command bases I will start on the Marshals.


  1. I always paint the command first! I just lack the troops for them to lead!

    I guess we're complete opposites.

  2. I do the same as Consol!
    Loads of chiefs but no indians

  3. Nice looking models. I look forward to seeing these painted.

  4. I like the silhouette illustration. You know they are quiet en vogue now. Check out Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre

  5. Looks like you'll paint these already mounted on the horses? There was a recent TMP topic about painting mounted figures separately or already attached. The responses seemed about 50:50. I've yet to paint them already attached - I tend to slosh the paint on horses too much. Dean

  6. I don't really know any other way, I've just always done It. I tend to paint quite quickly and just go for It without much thought though, It seems to work for me.

  7. Very nice Andrew thanks for the link. I just needed a really quick picture to go with the post so I opted for silhouttes drawn with the lasso tool in Photoshop.

  8. Very nice Secundus! I've found a lot of Inspiration in your work. Thank you very much for sharing it.

    Could you please post photos as you paint their faces? Your results are so good I might have to try your techniques.

    ~ Tom

  9. Lovely stuff. I always leave the Top Brass for later too.

  10. Ooohh - they're NICE! I'd like to have a bash at painting them myself.

    I also leave commanders to last.
