Saturday, March 06, 2010

Iron Will

"I fight for the one true King...King Jesus!"

There's a few things that really capture my imagination about the English Civil War. I love the look of the Buff coated troopers of both sides with their lobster pot helmets and breastplates. Also the massive, almost out of proportion pistols of the time really appeal to me. This grim faced veteran of Cromwell's 'iron sides' knows why he fights this war and has trusted his faith to God to see It through.


  1. Inspired by your foray into ECW, I bought a few Renegade regiment packs (while they were still cheap) just as an experiment. Should be really exciting to do.

    Look forward to seeing more, great picture by the way!

    ECW and AWI updates will appear here:

  2. P.S. What rule system do you intend to use for ECW?

  3. One of the best you've done so far me thinks. Love the facial expression, the grim pose and, not the least, the way you've added structure to the clothing's surface.
    Keep 'em coming.


  4. Hello Consul, there are two I'd probably go for both influenced by Warhammer. Although I here that Warlord Games are bringing out a version of Black Powder made for ECW.

    I have a copy of Warhammer ECW but It'll be a long time yet before I'm in any position to field a game. Who knows what will happen in the years before then. The main thing Is I have collected my armies while they were cheap and now there's no rush to get them done. I still have a lot of French to be getting on with.

  5. Your artwork is so good and colorful, they look like either like real photos of actual miniatures on the thumbnail for your blog. Dean

  6. Very cool!

    I once toyed with the idea of a Historo-Fantasy ECW... But seriously, Napoleonics is enough!

    Awesome artwork, keep it up.


  7. Love that cartoon; lots of depth in it!

  8. You're doing something different with the color. It seems more detailed and luminous. Looks cool!

  9. Every cartoon I do I use as an excuse to try out new things in Photoshop. The buff leather was detailed useing a different brush tool.

  10. Yet another nice cartoon with a good description. Most of your pictures make me think about starting another project and collecting even more miniatures.

    And then I realize I really shouldn't do it...

    Thanks for sharing your pics!


  11. love the dual pistols

  12. Anonymous1:48 pm

    I can't wait to see your ECW stuff. I played in a tournament at Cold Wars and bought a few boxes of the Warlords plastics. Fun times ahead.
