Saturday, May 08, 2010

Dip Test # 2

Here are two likely looking lads from Wellington's infamous army. Again the plan is to dip one in strong tone (black) and one in mid tone (brown) from Army Painter. I think with army painter the trick is to put the time in before the model is dipped, therefore I have added a few highlights on the black equipment. Black is really tricky to highlight afterwards and I think it's easier to do before the dipping process. I've also given the faces a quick wash of black to bring out the details and that goes for the sash as well. Hopefully if all goes to plan I won't have to do any highlights after the model is dipped. Well, maybe just a few...I probably won't be able to help myself.

To help speed up the painting production line, I always try to source the right colours straight from the pot, this is easier said than done. For example I found the perfect dark grey from Tamiya. All the other colours are from the Foundry paint system and are the 'B' pot in each colour. Foundry do a fantastic Napoleonic colour range amongst others which does save hours of sourcing and mixing...recommended.


  1. I agree, you have to put the time in before dipping by making sure the blocking in of colour is neat and tidy but I don't think that highlighting before really makes any difference, it's just wasted time. Best to do that after the dip because otherwise it just looks 'muddy'.

    With dipping black, I find it best to paint the area you want to be black a slightly lighter shade (like a very dark grey - this is what I do on my Spartans). This then highlights well and appears darker (like black) when varnished at the end.

    Whenever I ask about colours 'straight from the pot' for certain uniforms on TMP, there's always a backlash! But it's so much easier as you say, to have to right colour there in front of you.


  2. I know I might get a back lash for saying about the unmixed colour from pot thing, but you have to work the way that best suits you. Don't be put off by other people, If it means you crack through an army and It still looks great, who cares how you did it. Army painter is all about saving time, to be honest, I think the people that have knocked you for using unmixed colour aren't the people that would be using AP so don't worry.

    It's the first time I've tried It but I think the highlighted black is working well so far, we'll have to wait and see.

  3. P.s I also tried your method of shading black on their gaiters, which I've painted using a very dark grey. They should look good as you say when dry.

  4. TMP can be very helpful a lot of the time - some great people on there too! If you ask for something very simple like a colour recommendation or what colour something was sometimes they just say "Find out yourself"! That's fine if I have hours and hours but I'm sure thousands of people have already done the research or painted the same figs before and could just reel it off the top of their heads! Oh well.

    I'm impressed with your AP efforts so far on uniformed troops. Gives hope to all those who've been put off Naps by the complex tunics etc!

    All the best,

  5. from what I understand as far as 'uniform colors are concerned, what some people may forget is that uniforms of this period were colored in vegetable dies, therefore for example you can get various shades of British uniforms from pink to rust to scarlet to red depending on the campaign and area deployed. As i recall most uniforms were paid for out of the soldiers meager earnings - I too have been experimenting finanlly with dips both using miniwax, and now army painter, using the brown tone, but from your work the darker tone sounds interesting.
    Will you be painting any bavarians perhaps.
    PS - loved the Bottle Beggar cartoon and the sargent.
    Do you do any requests? We have a local convention that we need a tshirt for celbrating one wargamers contribution to the convention for the past 20 years

  6. I can't really do requests I'm afraid as I'm just too busy at work.
