Monday, May 03, 2010

Using Army Painter on Naps.

Happy with my dipped Celts I thought I would move onto dipping Napoleonics. This is something I would never have imagined myself saying a year back, but impressed by the work of Saxon Dog amongst others, I thought I would give It a go.
I even saw an article in War games Illustrated showing a unit of British red coats, dipped using the darkest tone which is basically black. So after all this positive evidence I thought I would go for it. The next question is though which stain is best suited for which army and what will the dark brown stain look like on grey trousers etc. The only way to find out was to do a little testing first. I plan to do a couple of small tests before launching a full assault. The first will be a French Artilleryman in his dark blue uniform, the other a Brit in his red uniform.


  1. That's an awesome illustration! Made me Lol.

  2. I agree w/ Consul. I think a lot of us can relate to it.

  3. as usual making tha first dip is akin to skinny dipping your miniature for the first time - LOL

  4. ps - for me the hard part is mixing the army painter dip n not wasting any cuz its so expensive worth its weight in gold almost.

  5. Brilliant....that's my very dilemma!
