Friday, June 25, 2010

Celtic warrior... more brawn than brains


  1. I think I have been watching too mush Sparticus on Bravo.

  2. Man, your pictures are awesome - been following them since I started this whole blogging thing. Your models are brilliant too, but the pictures remind me of a series of cartoon-y/mildly inappropriate jigsaw puzzles I had as a kid :D

    Only really got into blogging recently, so not really sure what's what. Is there any way to communicate between bloggers, or is it limited to commenting and personal emails?

  3. Hi Kevin, I like your blog. You've got some funny stuff going on, It reminds me of some of my own early work. A lot of it can't be shown to the public though or they would lock me away. Mind you, i have mellowed in the last few years.

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