Friday, June 04, 2010

Dipped French Battalion

The last of the men have been dipped and based ready for flocking. Over all I'm very happy with the dipped effect. It was quick and easy and brought It's own kind of joy back to painting. Now I have perfected this style of painting I will use It for all of my rank and file troops, although I will still paint up command bases in the old layered way, you just can't rush officers.

I took a bit of a leap of faith with my flags for my 2nd Battalions, after hitting loads of dead ends with trying to find 2nd Battalion flags on the inter-net, I finally came across the 'Flag Dude' in America. I contacted him via e-mail and I arranged for him to make me some 2nd Bttn white Fannions. They took about a week and a bit to arrive but the results were amazing. I won't go into it now for they deserve their own post. It goes without saying I have ordered some more and the results will appear soon.

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