Thursday, June 17, 2010

Flags from the Flag Dude

I'm sure there are many of you out there that recognise the style of these flags straight away. A Little while ago after hitting many dead ends in search of French Battalion Fannions, I came across Flag Dude's web-site and sent him an e-mail. Well the results have finally arrived and I was very happy. I even got to say which Regiments I was making and have the Battalion flags tailored to fit. Excellent work. I couldn't help but order some more after the first batch, only this time went for some Dutch, Nassau and Belgium standards. Another reason I like this approach Is that it saved me many hours researching and fiddling about. Highly recommend a visit to the Flag dude.


  1. Wow, those look great. Not too keen on the pixellation, but that can't be helped!

    Nice that they were tailored for your specific needs.

