Saturday, August 14, 2010

Batavian Auxiliaries

I've finally started to paint again after a few weeks away and thought I would tackle my old fav's the Batavians. To give them a more Irregular look, I'm going to use some trousered Celts from Gripping Beast. As well as figures from Foundry and Warlord Games. I should have some results soon, although I do plan to paint and dip the whole unit in one go.


  1. I'm 75% there with my own second cohort of Batavians, and really loving them.

    Did you see the stuff here:-

    Cheers, Simon

  2. Cool, can't wait to see the unit. Excellent artwork, good to see the poor Auxiliaries getting a look in .

  3. They look pissed. Are they facing Arminius' Cheruscians at Idistaviso? :)

  4. Your artwork is so awesome! Is there a chance for a compilation of your work in book form sometime in the future?

  5. Love the art ;) who are they fighting? You could get a whole battle scene going on here!
