Saturday, September 18, 2010

Where it all began

On passing a book stall in London, I happened upon these two childhood classics. I remembered copying the illustrations from these Ladybird books as a kid, you could say It's where I got a taste for drawing battles. So In many ways I owe a lot to these old ladybird books.
Although I do think that since 1959, when the book was published, our knowledge of the Roman world has grown slightly. They are full of the most amazing, atmospheric paintings though that seem to have a kind of warmth and magic about them, or maybe it's just my own memories affecting my judgement. A great find all the same and they will take pride of place on my book shelf.


  1. Nice!

    I had one about Arms and Armour (I think that's what it was called...?)! I recently found on about William the Conqueror I thought I might read to my son...

  2. I had both those books as a child- probably I still have them somewhere. They played no small part in me getting interested in history and wargaming!

    Nice to see them again- thanks for posting that!

  3. I'm not familiar with that series of books. What style are the illustrations? Could you photograph a spread?

  4. Those Ladybird books have a lot to answer for. I can still picture a lot of the images now from the War of the Roses book, especially Warwick the Kingmaker.


  5. I received the same Ladybird Napoleon title as a very young boy (age 7 I think)in the mid-Seventies. And it was, indeed, the place where it all began for me. It is still with me, albeit in bad shape... last I saw it next to my bust of Napoleon.. I particularly loved the line drawings on the end-papers (weapons, types of soldiers, etc.)
    Scott Pasha

  6. You're a lucky fellow to find these links with the past.

  7. Flashback or what, I was back in my old bedroom reading the Napoleon book to my little brother. I'd forgotten I even owned that book.
    Happy memories!!
