Friday, November 05, 2010

Ben Grimm the Thing!

I love this guy and when he popped by my studio the other day, I rushed to get my camera, I even managed to get a happy shot of him, very rare.


  1. Juazjuaz, really good. Eres un Crack!!! Ur blog is a spectacular show!!!

  2. very good... still we've not seen many painted minies for some time now... stop playing with pencil and come back to working with brushes !


  3. My weekends are nearly all booked up until Christmas so you may have to wait a little while for more painting. Mind you using the 'dip' is fun and very quick to do so you might see some more Celts soon. I still have to finish some French Generals and Aide de Camps who have been gethering dust on my work bench for more than a month now.
