Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Toys

I treated myself to a new camera for Christmas after seeing it as deal of the week on Amazon. It's basically a newer version of the one I had already which was starting to die slightly, so when I saw it I jumped at the it. I always go to Amazon first now when looking for anything like this, I find their prices unbeatable.

Some shots of French Generals again as I try out the new Camera, well they look so much more colourful than the drab WWII lot who could blame me. It was all about being seen In those things would change with the improvement of weaponry..


  1. You paint so good, I am impressed.
    But can you tell me with witch paint program do you paint your cartoons?

    MFG Morgul Pinselbeiza

    Go to my Blog:

  2. The one and only Photoshop. It also comes in handy for touching up all those war game photos too which is a bonus.

  3. Okay thanks I´m a enthusiastic illustrator, but I cannot colour my pictures so good.

    MFG MorgulPinselbeiza

    Please join my Blog:

  4. It does take a bit of practice. I tend to use my hobby of drawing soldiers to practice for my work pictures. I have learnt so much by just diving in and trying out new techniques. I also work with a lot of very good Photoshop people which is very useful.
    I make my line layer a multiply one then make a new layer underneth, on which to colour the character. I have found the more layers you use, the safer it is in case you make a mistake or want to mess around with opacity. The background is another layer on which i usually do a colour gradiant to represent a sky. I know it might all sound like tech talk but I hope this helps.

  5. Thanks I will try it and if it is good I will show you. :)

  6. Which Version of Photoshop do you use?

    MFG MorgulPinselbeiza
