Friday, January 28, 2011

Hadrian's Wall Live!

Being a huge fan of Hadrian's wall I was delighted to find a brilliant Blog by fellow gamer and model maker Paul Darnell. It's called Hadrian's Wall Live, check it out. I loved the place when I visited a few years ago and there's nothing like feeling the cold wind on your face when looking over the wall into Pict land. It was really easy to imagine what it must have been like for the Roman soldiers garrisoned there.
So I'm pleased to see I can keep tabs on the wall from the warmth of my house, although a trip to the site is highly recommended!


  1. Joined him a while back,good blog.

  2. Great cartoons - the last one in particular is a really effective piece you could work up into a more formal and detailed work if you were of a mind to.

    Paul's blog is a great site too - don't forget his Small Wars one as well!


  3. Cartoons pictures of the wall can be more evocative than some of the CGI which we see these days. There is a lot of mistakes and misinterpretation about what the Wall heck....lets stay with the cartoons

  4. Yeah, the Hadrian's Wall and the German Limes were probably high on the list of most unpopular deployments. :)
