Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The French Massive

A quick snap of the french shelf. It looks nice but I still have to flock more than half of them still.

However, they are now all totally rebased with four on astand. This sets me up much better for a whole multitude of Napoleonic rule sets.

I have gone off 'Napoleon' from Foundry after they didn't support it in anyway. I am still waiting for the Waterloo army lists for the game.


  1. That's a lot of frogs my friend, very nice.

  2. Phew, very impressive! How many are there?


  3. Nice; looks like I based mine similar to yours. First on metal washers and then on stands of four figures each. I had originally planned to use them for Sharp Practice in singles. Regards, Dean

  4. @BigRedBat, hello again, I think about 13 regiments of 24. Although because of the size of the french regiments, I'm using two twenty four man units to make one French one(48 men).
    I like this as I'm going to stick to 24 man regiments for the British which should contrast well and be quite true to life.

    The British are yet to be started and have been waiting in the wings for over a year now.

  5. Very nice indeed!!! Now get the paintbrush out for Wellie and his mob!

  6. Phew, a lot of lead, and a lot of work! I have recently become all too painfully aware how long it takes to paint Napoleonic figures. Looking great.

  7. Bad show on Foundry's part. I was rather dissapointed, as Napoleon looked like it would have had potential - had they bothered to actually finish it before publishing! And yes, a supplement or two would have been rather nice...

    But to fill that breach yet one more contender enters the congested field. Behold Warhammer Historical with "Waterloo" (They've clearly spent all of ten seconds thinking up the title).

  8. Squeek!!! That´s a lot of french!!! I suppose you will be going for the BIG army parade at Glorathnan army Blog on the 14th??

    How come I always get funny verification words when I post here??? This time it´s "absent" :-D

  9. That's an impressive amount of figures!!

    Have you taken a look at the Lasalle rules? They are easy to learn and quite fun.


  10. Core blimey Guv'nor! "Ze smell of garlic was 'eavy in ze air" nes pa? Thatsa lotta frogs mate. Well done.


  11. Impressive most impressive :)

  12. Impressive most impressive :)

  13. Impressive most impressive :)

  14. Holy Moly. That theres a lot of Frenchies.

  15. I have just ordered the Warhammer Waterloo rule set as I was impressed with what I saw.

    If nothing else it shoul be great eye candy and might even get me started on my British and Allies.

    But the price...man alive! More on that later. It deserves it's own post that one.

  16. I'm actually thinking about rebasing this lot 6 to a base to match the Warhammer rules...madness I know.
