Friday, July 22, 2011


After waiting around 10 years for a Warhammer Napoleonic rule set to appear, I can finally relax with the arrival of 'Waterloo'. I started collecting my army about six years ago with the idea that when the game did appear, I would have ready painted armies. Well the game never did appear and I got carried away painting lots of lovely blue French.
Forge World aren't in my good books after dumping the ancient side of things, but because of my long wait I was curious about this new rule set for the horse and musket period from the Warhammer team. Also it is set around Waterloo like my French forces.

I decided to take a chance and buy it. WHAM! case shot right in the nuts...£36! Well I know I've waited ten years but £36...come on.
Well, it arrived in a gold jewel encrusted case and I was very pleasantly surprised on first impressions . It looks like a well put together game with loads of useful uniform guides and illustrations.

After the disappointment of Foundry's 'Napoleon' and it's lack of support, I was quite taken back by Waterloo. My friend informs me it is based around the GW 'Lord of the Rings' game which he tells me is very good.

One of the annoying things about the game though is that it has six figures to a base (=1 company) whereas mine are based four for use with 'Napoleon'. It's a small thing and one to which the rules actually mention and say it doesn't matter. however, when you've waited so long you want it to be just right. Mind you I will wait and see if the game is any good first before I start ripping figures off bases again. If anybody gets a chance to play it or sees a review do let me know, I would be more than a little interested.

So far I can't see any mistakes which is a bonus unlike Napoleon which came across as half finished and rushed . Anyway I will keep reading ... £36 was a little steep, but at the moment it looks like it was worth every penny.

I have ordered some new 60x40mm bases... I know I know.


  1. Sounds interesting, we use the Lord of the Rings rules for Fran's Samurai, they're a great set of rules and with the tweaks I suppose they've made, they should work well.

  2. Anonymous12:37 am

    As ever, fantastic pic

  3. I have come across 2 good pre-reviews.
    But sadly no reports from anyone who has played yet...

  4. hey! you drew Bonnie as a merciless street baron wanting cash from simpletons... C'mon...

    Ok, you're right... After all, he was from Corsica... And every French people know that they're nothing but thieves and emperors ^^

    Anyway, very good drawing

  5. I have some serious aprehension towards Warhammer, after the fiasco with the Ancient Battle rules: I've been a player over 10 years, watited eagerly the second edition, spend 45 euros in the book, only to find a badly edited book, an errata pdf document of 15 (fifteen) pages and then the guys dropping the product. In any case I will follow your comment on Waterloo with interest, but I stick for the time being with Lasalle

  6. I hear what your saying Anibal, they really dropped the ball with WAB II.
    However, on the bright side, it has produced a multitude of other 28mm ancient rule sets to fill the void. COE for example.

    From what I can see this Waterloo set looks a lot better product and puts Foundry's 'Napoleon' to shame. Still, early days yet and I've been here before.

  7. I'm not surprised at the cost as generally speaking Forge World makes beautiful looking books and that's where the cost comes in. Remember, your not paying for the rules as players decide if they are good or not but rather the quality of the book itself. Very few companies make better quality books then Forge World. However,as to their support of a product remains a hit and miss affair as evident by WAB2.

    There are already several good Nap rules out with GdB, Lasalle and Black Powder making me less then excited about Waterloo, and far more irritated that they didn't at least put out a few supporting things for WAB2 first!

    Still, as a typical wargaming addict I'm thinking of getting it if anything just to own it. Glad your happy it's out and give some feedback on your first game please.:-)


  8. Have you tried Black Powder? Beautiful book with rules by Rick Priestley, for using lots and lots of figures...

  9. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Hi there! Can you tell me if the book includes an army list for Austrian and Bavarian forces?

  10. No I'm afraid it doesn't, the lists reflect the Waterloo campaign with the Spanish as an extra.

  11. Anonymous11:22 pm

    Hey I love your drawings!

  12. You can find an ongoing playtest/AR on my blog.

