Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The Day the Earth Stood Still

This picture was inspired by the true story of a fellow gamer and blogger that I read today. I have to say I do think about this scenario at least once a week and shiver.


  1. This is why there are few miniature gamers in California!

  2. oh dear?? Not done that yet.....hope I never do!!!

  3. That's an image that sends a cold shiver up every gamers spine!!!!


  4. GAH! I'm going to have nightmares now!!

  5. You almost make me cry again ;-) I never had the courage to put any more minis in a cabinet after the accident. That said, another funny and great drawing...

  6. I feel all queezy just thinking about it...

    Condolences Mike

  7. Uh oh... I have 3500 28mm minis in a cabinet, upstairs. I do hope it stays upstairs!

  8. Nooooooooooooo! Doesn't even bare thinking about.

  9. ahahaaa! COOL!)))

  10. not mini's, but my ASL box went rolling down the staircase and pieces went everywhere. My soul died a little that day. That was some 2 years ago.

  11. Oh the horror, the horror....

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My Dear Wife thought she was responsible for knocking down two shelves of painted 54mm figures. I just hid under the bed covers thinking it was a bad dream. "Talk to me!!" She screamed.

  14. Spare a thought for the poor gamers in Christchurch N.Z., for the same reason alluded to by Don!

  15. Makes me feel sick just thinking about it. My mate Wayne is still rebasing and repairing from our Sept 2010 earthquake!!

  16. Once or twice came close but it would be a hobby ender and a gun and a high building.

  17. Yeah I was thinking about that, If it happened to me in my big cabinet, it would wipe out the best part of 17 years work. I'm not sure I could carry on if it was all crushed.

    I think I'd have to walk away from the hobby for a bit...

  18. The thought of it makes me want to go have a lie down.

    I think I need a cup of tea.

  19. I had a shelf full of Dark Eldar fall when my ex-father in law bumped it. He then proceeded to step on them as he tried to get out of the way. That was the last time I used those shelves for displaying armies. My heart sank into my stomach that day.
