Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finished Fed's

When i was collecting my ACW armies back in the nineties, there was much less to choose from figure wise as there is now. Funny enough these handsome Renegade models were just coming out but proved too expensive to buy at the time. Now due to the Metal/Plastic war going on, their range has become some of the best value metals around.
Although I have seen their prices start to climb again recently as I knew they would. I bought these when their unit deals were very good and saved quite a bit of money. Although to get the variety I wanted I found myself buying some of their single packs.

Renegade are on the large end of the figure scale with that of Redoubt and as a result, don't really mix well with other ranges. This said a few Foundry wounded figures seem to fit in ok, for the next unit I have ordered Redoubt ones.

I have included figures that could act as another command base, just in case the unit has to be split in another game system.

I'm also toying with the idea of placing the two Union flags on different bases for the same reasons, so each base can act as a command. I have noticed in some rule systems a unit can be made up of as little as four bases.


  1. They look outstanding. I especially like the quilt used as blanket roll on fellow on the right of the top picture.

    Makes me want to paint up a box of Renegade rebs I own.


  2. Great looking unit!

