Saturday, October 29, 2011

painting guide for British Tommys.

The new unit takes to the open field.

The new and the old. The second figure is from Crusader and is late war. The first is another BTD figure. I experimented with his webbing colour again by trying out a Coat d'arms canvas colour.

On the double Atkins!

Captain Jeffers with the 2" mortar team close behind. They will lay down smoke grenades to cover the advance of the platoon. I love these two characters (mortar guys), partly because they are standing. most other figures I have seen from other ranges are lying prone. This may be correct for firing but doesn't look that great in an advancing unit. The same can be said for the PIAT teams. This is why I went with BTD for a lot of these figures.

Private Phillips brings up the mortar.

The webbing on these chaps is another webbing variant from the Foundry paint palette.

This chap is from my late war Platoon.


  1. Great!!! I like the way you´ve done the faces....they look very grim and battle hardened.

  2. Fantastic work, Captain Jeffers has to my favourite; bags of character.

  3. Really nice work; love all of the unique unit details - patches, webbing, etc. Those guys really look like hardened veterans. Besst, Dean

  4. Wonderful painting. The moving mortar team is a really nice idea.

  5. Looking ace! I love the grubby look on their faces. Battle-weary but determined.

  6. Brilliant! Lots to admire, even down to the white lettering on the regimental shoulderflash. And what divisional patch is that?

    You've got me inspired to finish the rest of my Valiant tommies, which are sadly a little too large for my 20mm collection but great fun to paint.

  7. Very fine indeed. Grim and determined chaps to a man! I'd love to see more...

  8. Spiffing stuff!

    Tally ho old bean, strange looking Huns on the horizon.

    Rum looking lot, what what?

  9. Are you still using Rules of Engagement for your WW2 gaming?

    Fantastic looking Brits!


