Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Celtic Cavalry

After about three months away from the painting table I finally picked up the brush again yesterday. These poor old Celts have been waiting for shields for a long time and are now ready to be based.

These cavalry were painted quickly using just base colours then washed with Citadel brown ink.

A few Warlord Games plastic heads have been added to these raiding horsemen to add character.

Although most of the shields were painted, I tried out an idea which worked really well. I drew the patterns on this shield with a thin waterproof pen...It worked and gave me a much finer line than I could of painted.

The Painting table has never been so busy in months. It's great to paint again and I find it really relaxing.


  1. Its good to see you back at the table! Those cavalry look excellent and the shield are particularly fine.


  2. they look excellent indeed!! Great work!!

  3. Great figures. I used the pen idea in the past - but not waterproof (which then bled into the paint).

    Where do you find your waterproof felt tips?

  4. I got some pens using for watercolour drawing from an artshp. They seem to work really well.

  5. Fantastic! I love the shields but particularly the woad face paints.

  6. Thanks everyone for the nice comments. The woad was done using blue ink...I had read about it and decided to give it a go. It's nice because it still allows the flesh tones underneth to show through.

  7. Pen work is great and always worthwhile. It added alot to your Celts. Maybe mine will see the light of day again soon.
