Saturday, May 12, 2012


Here are some of those fine old models my friend gave me all those years ago. I thought they were too good to leave unpainted. I really enjoyed painting these and although they are old, they still have loads of character. I prefer these old sculpts to many of the new models of today, these old 1980'S sculpts are more realistic in appearance, before weapons and armour started to grow out of all proportions.

I have based these six Dwarfs on a 60mmx40mm base and have been influenced by reading 'Hordes Of The Things' rule set.

I have also been won over by Tim's blog site Infact it was this website that really got me thinking about Fantasy again...thanks Tim. For me an army has to look like an army and Tim's approach of doubling the numbers of figures recommended really appealed to me. HotT recommends bases of three figures very similar to DBA, but an army of thirty figures was never going to sit well with me. Tim's idea of doubling these figure amounts and base depth won me over after looking through his amazing blog. Now an army can look like an army with 60 + figures.

Also In 'HotT' I like the way that each base or 'Element' can become a little diorama in its own right. I have read mixed reviews about this game but for me the main thing is the painting and I can always bend rules to match my basing at the end of the day.

 These bases could even fit the LOTR rules with a pinch, with each base being counted as a company.The imagination behind HotT as really got my brain juices flowing and I love the idea of coming up with your own troop types and stands to fit with the army type. On such idea is a 'sneaker' base for the Dwarf army being a Dwarven adventure party. I loved this idea and so have started to put one together complete with Hobbit.

It's early days yet but I have really enjoyed my little foray into Fantasy again and plan to paint some more when I have time.


  1. I too prefer the old sculps, far more in keeping with my idea of real fantasy


  2. Agreed with you and Ian... your little guys remind me of my first ever D&D Character... Berin.... I can't for the life of me remember the make of him... Asgard?

  3. Very nice, the old dwarves are full of character!


  4. Fabulous! That turned out really well!

  5. Nice bunch of lil' guys. Best, Dean

  6. I love old dwarves.
    Oh, I said that out loud.
    I mean your models...

  7. Lovely dwarves !
    very good painting!
    What's scale?

    (and no I'm not a robot!!)

  8. Anonymous9:18 am

    Those look great, i would agree the older Dwarf sculpts are better.I do like the West Wind ones for Dwarf War but again if memory serves me right they are a little chunky(but they do have Dwarf cav!)...oh and yep you cant go wrong with a quick game of HOTT's.


  9. Thanks Guys I think we all agree that the old Dwarves have a certain something.
    @tim I was in a rush yesterday to get to Campaign in MK so the post was quite quick,, however this morning I have had a chance to sit and give you full credit for your infleunce with your blog. Amazing stuff and you have now cost me hundreds of pounds on eBay...:)

    The old Dwarves are better sculpts but they still come with a price tag that would make GW proud of them.

  10. @ Bishop Lord, I got some West Wind Dwaves the other day by post but found they were huge compared to the old 28mm. So be warned if you were thinking of getting some, they are very large.

  11. Cor they take me back a few years!
