Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Prince Rupert, England's Wolfe With Eagle Claws

Puritan propaganda at its finest. A bloody handed Cavalier is portrayed as a wolf with Eagles claws. Firing up the Parliamentarian war machine against the unholy murdering royalist monsters.

"The cruell impieties of blood-thirsty royalists and blasphemous anti-parliamentarians under the command of that inhumane Prince Rupert, Digby and the rest, wherein the barbarous crueltie of our civill uncivill warres is briefy discovered"


  1. That is wonderfully funny. I love the original one looks more like a rabbits head than a wolf.

  2. Thankyou PanzerKaput, I love your artwork too. looks great fun to do, I love the imagination that goes into it all.

  3. Now that would make a great range of miniatures - ECW animagus! Loved the woodcut as well, would definitely love to see more of those.

  4. Oh, isn't that just brilliant. Seventeenth Century propaganda and atrocity literature at its best. Marvellous!

  5. Really funny and another great drawing. Congrats!

  6. Anonymous8:22 pm

    I just love this! As you can see, my blog took its name from the wolfe!

  7. Anonymous8:39 pm

    With you permission, secundus, I'd like to feature this picture on my site http://eagleclawedwolfe.wordpress.com/ Full credit given of course!

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