Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blew Coat

I'm glad my helmet doesn't cover my massive white sideburns...

I've just found out today that If I want to publish any more photos on Blogger, I will have to pay about £3 a month. Oh well I suppose I have been Blogging for years now and while cartoons are nice it wouldn't really be a war gaming Blog without photos. Not really sure what to do at the mo.


  1. What is the charge for? I haven't been hit up for cash yet...

  2. I suspect you have reached your hosting limit on the pics.

    You might try an alternate pic hosting service, but I do not recommend Photobucket as they are a bit wonky also with hosting. Imgur might work, but I am not certain.

    One note on pics - I try to make them under 100KB, by cropping or whatever.

    Good luck and don't give up the ship!


  3. You also could go back to older posts and remove some of the pics. Not ideal but it's an option


  4. Good God a charge to Blogger or rather to post pictures the mad.

  5. That is a great look! I suppose you could always rescale the existing photos, but that really would be a labour of love.

  6. Nice helmet. Hmmm I didn't know eventually we have to pay. I suppose I will too when the time comes. Let's hope blogger is better after we pay unlike photobucket which is now worse then before(grumble,grumble)!


  7. I'm still trying to get the bottom of it really. I can still post drawing from my computer but all photos are a no go. It might be something to do with Picassa.

  8. It sounds like you've hit one of Picasa's limits - either total storage or number of pics in a single album. When I started blogging back in January, Blogger automatically created a new folder/album for each post but then switched within a couple of weeks to dumping them all into the same one.

    If it's the total storage that's the problem, make sure to crop/resize your pics to 800x800 or less - those don't count towards the storage limit.

    If it's the number of pics that's the problem, you might need to upload them directly to Picasa before adding them to you blog. I spotted that I was approaching the 1000/album limit and have reduced my file sizes to see what happens - it's not clear whether smaller pics count towards the limit on album size or not.

  9. Am oving the sideburns! ;-)


  10. It happened to me a while ago, £3 a year's not too bad.

  11. I was hit up for $5 fro increasing my storage space but it was a one off paynent!

  12. ..the others have it - it'll be a storage limit....

    "Number of Pictures: Up to 1 GB of total storage, shared with Picasa Web"

    ...if you want more space just register a new blog under a different name and link to the pictures there.....??

  13. Love yer tin 'at mate!

    Hitting the storage limit is a bitch but 3 quid per annum (or izzit a 'one of'?) ain't too bad - better perhaps than sorting over a Gigs worth of images to get back under the limit - which will be quickly reached again in no time! Naaa, I'd pay the three quid!

  14. yes use a hosting service other than is owned by blogger so will add to your bandwidth!

    Can you please continue.....nice for a good laugh, your cartoons are excellent....can you possibly do some fall of the west types....circa 360-400ad!


  15. Thanks everyone for the feed back,It is all really useful.

    It's nice to know it has happened to other Bloggers as well and not just me. I will probably go down the payment route just to keep things simple. As Russell says £3 isn't too bad and the Blog wouldn't be the same without photos.

    Thanks again everyone.

  16. just been checking and if you are signed up to Google Plus, pics up to 2048 x 2048 don't count towards the Picasa storage limit (so that might be worth considering).

  17. Anonymous1:47 am

    I wasn't even aware of this form of "censorship" on blogs - hmmmmmmmmmmm - must be part of the redistribute the wealth plan?

  18. I'm with Docsmith. - suggest you just pay the £3 per month. After all, that's not likely to break the bank and far less hassle than deleting/moving pics.
