Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blew Coat

Well here I am, all wrapped up in my new pikeman clobber. Everything is still very new looking but after Nantwich that will be no longer a concern.
I have always been taken with the idea of being a soldier on campaign and so have added a blanket roll and a snapsack over my armour. I have even started toying with the idea of painting up a regiment or two of parliamentarian troops. Having joined a whole regiment of Royalist wargamers, I thought it would be useful to paint up some of the enemy if I ever I wanted a game. The great thing about re-enacting the period, is that you get to see and experience all the equipment and gear. Making painting reference a real joy, recalling actual pieces and events. The problem these days is I have started to dabble in many different eras and so never really get to finish anything. The war gamers curse I'm afraid, oh well at least I'm thinking of painting again and that can only be a good thing.


  1. Boy do you look new!! Be ready to be VERY cold, first gig of the year. See if the inside of your armor freezes like mine did one year!

    The beer and company makes it all worthwhile, have a great season


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I remember guys trying to pre-stress their reenacting gear. One good weekend sleeping on the ground etc, usually does it w/o pre-stressing it. I was going to ask if the armo(u)r conducts cold but Ian confirmed that. Great photos

  4. Great uniform, Ironmitten, if a bit clean! A couple of weekends rolling around in a muddy field, should sort it.

    Have you seen the new Empress range? Lovely minis...

  5. Very posh! we need a photo after Natwich too me thinks!

  6. Go and have fun and enjoy!!

  7. Nice kit! I think it's an excellent idea to get closer to your historical subject(s).

  8. Looking good! Mind you, you do have a passing resemblance to a young Robbie Coltrane:-)

  9. I take that as a compliment...I think.

  10. I can tell you now my kit doesn't look as new now!!!
