Friday, January 25, 2013

Painting the Civil War

These figures are just about done, they have been glazed and high lighted in their original base colours. This lot took me three nights to do and I had a ball. I really should get out more...
I will probably tweak the odd highlight or two on this lot before moving on. I use my Blog pictures as a way of spotting mistakes, If I see one I have to correct it. The curse of the Macro lense.
Next up, the pike block and command bases.
I want my ECW regiments to be quite large with Parliament fielding sleeves of 16 musketeers either side of a pike block 16 strong. My Royalists will have less firepower but more pikes. They will come in as two sleeves of 12 muskets either side a 24 man pike block. The royalists struggled at the begining of the war to find equipment with a lot of the larger arms making cities siding with Parliament. I want my early war regiments to reflect this. I am also playing with the idea of having regiments at different strengths, some smaller than others to add realism to the table top. As many of you will know already the figures are a mix of Renegade and bicorne. They are at the slightly large scale of ECW wargaming with Perry's, Warlord and Foundry coming in at the smaller end of the scale. The new range from Empress Miniatures come in the middle of the two. A lot of these minis I bought many years ago and have been waiting for a chance to paint them. Joining a re-enactment group just gave me the nudge I needed to get stuck in.
The muskets were painted with Foundry's 'musket B', but then highlighted with the next shade up 'musket C'.
Well here they are, so far so good. I am pleased with the quick result and it was fun to do. This is a time for trying out new techniques and materials with a new era of wargaming. God save the King...I mean Parliament...


  1. Very nice! Really like the faces

  2. Superb... and apologies if you've already mentioned, but what rules will you be using???

  3. Great to see the Renagade figures are fantastic in design and a real pleasure to paint.....great stuff
