Friday, January 25, 2013

Painting the English Civil War

After messing around with Army Painter before I thought I would try painting some of the shading first, before glazing the figures with the stain. This was off the back of painting my dwarves and having fun painting their faces with all the creases and folds in the faces. I decided to try it with these ECW soldiers to give them a little more character. I used Fountry's paint system 'Flesh A' and highlighted with the 'Flesh B'. I also, like before, tried to leave the black undercoat showing through in the right places, like the eyes and folds of the face.
Here are the figures showing the faces painted with Flesh A from Foundry. When I drybrushed the belts and bandoliers on the figures I also painted their shoes, hats and boots with the same technique.

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