Thursday, June 20, 2013

Re-enacting the Napoleonic Period

 Here is my list of things to get and rough notes on my new kit. If you haven't guessed already I plan to join a Prussian Landwehr regiment. Once you start re-enacting and meeting new friends, things can quickly get out of a good way.
The picture was just a poor excuse for me to draw and colour up a Militia man with all his kit.

There is also talk of doubling up as French infantry in some re-enactments, to help the poor, heavily out numbered French re-enactors. This should be quite easy with just a few tweaks to our equipment. Apparently our drill is very similar in style to that of the French. Secretly I'm looking forward to playing as French infantry, I have always had a soft spot for shakos. Also, I have studied and painted so many of them in 28mm, I should be able to take what I have learned and put it into a new hobby.

Watch this space...


  1. Looks fun!

    Did you ever finish and use your Naps? I was admiring the muddy basing technique only this morning. I'm going to nick that idea. :-)

    Cheers, Simon

  2. As a War of 1812 reenactor here in Canada, I'm very interested in your exploits. Call on me if I can be of any help.

  3. Hi Simon, the muddy base is a great and QUICK way to base Napoleonics. If you are doing Waterloo, then it's a must. You have to force yourself to muddy up those figures you've just spent days painting. It's not so hard once you see the results.

  4. fact I have already nicked it on some of my Naps.

    I rather wish I'd made the bases darker and wetter, like yours, though.

  5. Very Nice! I see you have a few cannon balls in there as
    well, excellent!

    @Grenzer, thank you for your kind offer. It's a very exciting project and one I will post about on this blog too.

  6. Very nice and funy!

  7. Two re-enactment society's? You will be pulled in two directions come every bank holiday


  8. Ha HA, No we will make sure they don't cross and If they do i think the civil war comes first.

  9. Why a "dummy" gun? Do you mean a reproduction?

  10. I like the the three French in greatcoats! Just like Sharpe but in reverse!

  11. Scott, a dummy gun is indeed a reproduction but specifically one that does not actually fire, most people start with one until they get a black powder licence.

  12. I am a French reenactor (45eme) but nearly joined a Prussian landwehr group, it is tempting to start another endevour but it would be the time more than the money, if Im off work and its a Napoleonic event my unit are probably already going.
