Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Moving House...the Lead Nightmare

Well after thousands of years hording metal figures the time has come to finally start packing them up to move. Cupboards, wardrobes, the loft and practically every sideboard in the house has delivered a box of forgotten warriors of one shape or another. I knew I had heaps of lead in the house but even I was surprised by a few boxes, that 28mm Saxon army in the loft was wiped from my memory about ten years ago. It's a strange mixture of joy and disappointment when you find them ( but mostly joy).

My figure display cases are now empty after the great evacuation of last weekend. I prepared myself for a really stressful day, but in the end it wasn't that bad. By the end of the day units were being packed at break neck speed. I was depressed to see just how much dust had built up over the years, my French blue Currasiers could of doubled as grey confederate cavalry when I finally removed them from the top shelf. Has it really been that long since I have moved them? Storage boxes may be the way forward after this grizzly discovery.

I used 'really useful boxes' to box my figures up, they were indeed...really useful. They come in a huge assortment of shapes and sizes, so I have managed to get some to store my scenery in too. This may be the way to go in the new house as storage room is going to be limited in my new war games room. Yes, you heard right, I now have my own hobby room to mess around in. Well that's the idea anyway, but we will see.

  The new house is going to soak up a lot of free time so it may be a while before I can settle back into painting and gaming. Don't worry though, the hobby will still take up 98% of my waking life with reading rules and planning armies..always planning. It will all become good in the end once I'm there and settled. It will also be a relief to know that all my lead is in one room and not scattered across the galaxy in tiny boxes.

I have also been reminded of just how heavy a box of lead can be, with a biscuit tin of 'Black Tree Design' Ancient Germans almost pulling my arms out of their sockets on trying to move it. I'm realizing now that the packing was the easy bit...the actual move however will be another story I'm sure. 

My wife actually checked with the architect of the house to ask if the upstairs floor would be strong enough to take my thirty years worth of lead...he assured her there would be no problem. We're good to go!


  1. Good luck - I'm about to do the same!

  2. Good luck with the move - hopefully casualties and desertions are low

  3. Yes indeed, very good luck! Games room should be a big advance...

  4. About to do the same too.

  5. I echo the wishes of others. Hope the move is a success.


  6. Might want to reinforce the new foundation, just in case ;)


  7. My wife was generally worried about the floor giving way... The new house is quite a modern build so we are safe.

  8. The true challenge is not in the packing, its in the unpacking. After moving last fall, I still have half of my hobby stuff in boxes waiting to be put away...

  9. Good luck with the move!

    Your own dedicated wargames room? You lucky, lucky thing! :)

  10. Ouch. Will have to do an international move myself one day, and am not looking forward to it. Good luck!

  11. Best of luck with the move; unpacking at the other end would be my worry.

  12. Good luck with the move. I wouldn't let the removal men touch my horde and shifted it all personally. The fact they probably would have been safer didn't come in to it. All I could think of was that I wouldn't forgive them if something broke.

  13. Congratulations on the wargaming room, with attached house. good luck with the move.

    All the best


  14. look forward to seeing pictures of the new wargames room when you are settled
    Peace James

  15. The packing and sorting will no doubt be a cathartic experience and one I don't envy you BUT the promise of your very own games room makes it all worthwhile I'm sure! It's something I'll have to do eventually too - with some feelings of dread! Post some piccies of your new 'man cave' when you get settled in.


  16. Great news about the Games Room. I also use Really Useful Boxes. They come in so many different sizes.

