Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Time Capsule from 1994


I gave myself a scare yesterday when retrieving all of my old fantasy figures from the loft. I got all of the old suit cases down and started to sift through them. It was a little odd because there were so many old memories connected to them all. Every one seemed to summon up an old emotion, location or story.

After I has sorted through all the cases I realised that I was missing hundreds of figures. I searched back in the loft and resorted the cases but to no avail. You can imagine my relief when I went back to my step dad's today and found the missing case. Phew, what a relief. So here they are, the forgotten armies of King Street.

It was a little bit emotional when I finally got them home because they had been left for decades, untouched and unopened. It was a time capsule from 1994.

 My mum is long passed now but I remember sitting on the bedroom floor packing it with her (she was laughing at me because I was being very careful packing them, a trait she wasn't used to). So It wasn't just the figures that were full of memories, It was the whole box, even the tape used to close them. Very strange, a happy and sad feeling all rolled up into one.

Mark Copplestone, a name very familiar to me now but back then I would have just seen the name, High Elf Cavalry Army! I had no idea he had started that long ago. I love his work to date, with his Foundry Romans and Wild West figures, It seems I was a fan back then aswell, only I didn't know It.

 The mighty Dwarf army of Cristeel. Well I say army, can you call a box of lead an army... more a ramble really. Anyway, this is how we used to fight with them back in the day, no movement trays or big bases, just hundreds of free standing figures. Seems funny now thinking back, It took half a day to move them in a movement turn and a sudden knock of the table could result in the death of sixty figures. We don't even talk about the hills...



  1. Holy Christ! Did I just spot an early Gandalf figure from the old GW range? Each blister came with a mounted and dismounted model. There was a nice Witch King one...and not forgetting a Sauron figure on a huge tentacled type throne.

  2. So will these be painted up before months end? ;-)


  3. I see treasure trove there!


  4. I've got some old Citadel Minis in the attic.

    I'll have to get them down one day and have a search through.


  5. Seeing this post I recognized probably the only Citadel figure I have painted. It inspired this post:

    Good luck painting them all.

  6. Great post and a wonderful memory. I've been collecting since the dawn of time it seems like and this sort of reminiscence always hit a chord. I blog about old school minis over on if you do get the bug back. If not there are loads of places with people looking to complete collections.

  7. Thanks for sharing that, brought back a couple of memories for myself too.
